I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
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I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Pelaajat: Eyon ja Treni
Kiele(t): Englanti ja Suomi
A/N: Tapahtumat sijoittuvat pitkälti kevään huispausfestivaaleihin, joissa Tylypahka oli mukana joukkueen muodossa osanottajina sekä pelaajina. Kansainväliset festarit keräsivät kävijöitä ympäri maailmaa, jonka ansiosta myös Maya sekä Nicholas ovat tavanneet toisensa. Tervetuloa seuraamaan heidän tarinaansa roolipelin muodossa!
Toinen päivä valkeni hieman sateisena Ranskassa leirintäalueella, jonne kymmenien maiden huispauspelaajat ympäri maailmaa olivat kokoontuneet ottelemaan toisiaan vastaan. Alkulohkot oli saatu käyntiin edellisenä päivänä, sillä ensimmäinen päivä festivaaleilla oli kulunut lähinnä majoittumisen sekä virallisuuksien muodossa. Tylypahkan huispausjoukkue pelaisi tänään ensimmäisen ottelunsa Italiaa vastaan, jonka takia koko seitsemänhenkinen tiimi varapelaajia myöden oli noussut varhain jalkeille harjoittelemaan pelikuvioita keskenään. Mayaa oli jostain syystä väsyttänyt aamulla hurjasti, vaikka hän kuitenkin koki nukkuneensa koko yön hyvin. Teltta, jossa hän majoittui yhdessä joukkueen muiden naispuolisten pelaajien kanssa oli mukavan rauhallinen, toisin kuin puolestaan poikaporukan teltta, jossa Milo sekä Tom tuntuivat pitävän metelin katossa vähintäänkin jo pelkästä velvollisuuden tunteesta.
Olivathan he käyneet edellisenä päivänä katsomassa myös paikan päällä yhden ottelun, joka oli käyty kotijoukkue Ranskan sekä Belgian välillä. Belgia oli voittanut ottelun pienin lukemin, jonka takia harmistus oli ollut käsinkosketeltavissa kotijoukkueen keskuudessa muutoin niin tasaväkisen kamppailun ratkettua lopulta kultasiepin nappaamiseen. Maya oli nauttinut pelistä ja sen mukana myötäelämisestä, vaikka olikin kallistunut lopulta kannatuksensa puolella Belgian puoleen.
Aamun treenien jälkeen Maya suuntasi ruokailemaan joukkueen kanssa, kuunnellen ainakin puolentunnin ajan Tomin preppauspuhetta samalla, kun yritti latoa ruokaa suuhunsa. Aikataulu päivälle oli tiukka eikä venymiseen ollut varaa, saati sitten myöhästymiseen. Totta kai ottelut aina silloin tällöin venyivät odotettua pidemmiksi, mutta jos joukkueelle oli varattu tietty määrä aikaa valmistautua eri osa-alueilla, tulisi aikataulua kunnioittaa jo pelkästään kisajärjestäjiä sekä muita joukkueita ajatellen.
Alkulohkot pelattiin sykleissä järjestelmällisesti. Tylypahkan ja Italian välinen ottelu oli ajoitettu alkavaksi puoli yhdeltä päivällä, jonka takia kentällä piti olla pukuhuoneiden suojissa vähintään tuntia ennen itse varsinaisen ottelun alkua. Mahanpohjassa alkoi kiertää, sillä tämä olisi nyt ensimmäinen kerta, kun Maya nousisi luudalleen kansainvälisen yleisön edessä. Joukossa saattaisi olla kykyjenetsijöitä, jotka pitivät silmällä tulevaisuuden nuoria lupauksia ja Maya tiesi ainakin sen, että Tomissa ja Milossa oli paljon potentiaalia, mutta entä hänessä itsessään? Oli hän varteenotettava lyöjä, sihti oli tarkka ja pudotusprosentti melko korkealla. Hän oli myös selvinnyt Tylypahkassa pelatessaan isommilta loukkaantumisilta, jonka takia pelikunto oli tasoon nähden hyvä. Silti tällaiset tilanteet jännittivät aina, mutta nyt sen ei saisi antaa näkyä - kohta pelattaisiin ja lujaa. Tom piti perinteisen kannustuspuheensa minuutteja ennen kentälle poistumista koko joukkueelle, tsempaten heidän fiiliksensä ja psyykeensä kattoon. Ja sitten mentiin!
Alkulohkon ottelu oli Tylypahkan ja Italian välillä ohi tunnissa, päättyen loppulukemiin Tylypahkan hyväksi 160 - 60. Jos riemua olisi voinut leikata halki veitsellä, sitä olisi ollut todella vaikeaa saada poikki keskeltä, niin hyvältä koko joukkueen mielestä voitto tuntui ensimmäisessä pelissä. Rankan huhkimisen jälkeen oli hyvä vetäytyä käymään pesulla ja suunnata sen jälkeen jälleen syömään, sillä kalorien kuluessa urheilun merkeissä myös ruokahalu kasvoi kummasti. Iltapäivä olisi koko joukkueella vapaata lyhyttä palaveria lukuun ottamatta, jonka aikana professori Ellis kehotti joukkuelaisia kiertelemään rohkeasti ympäri kisakylää ja tutustumaan ihmisiin, kansainvälisistä ystävyyssuhteista oli aina hyötyä tulevaisuutta ajatellen.
Maya otti neuvosta vaariin ja lähti ulos iltapäivällä. Hän kierteli pitkin kisakylää, katsellen telttoja joiden edustoilla istui eri maiden oppilaita juttelemassa toistensa kanssa. Osa pelasi keskenään myös erilaisia seurapelejä, kuten räjähtävää näpäystä ja olihan joku tuonut mukanaan oikean velhoshakkilaudan sekä pelinappulat. Maya hymyili itsekseen patikoidessaan pitkin poikin telttarivistöjä, tajuamatta ollenkaan kuinka pitkälle oli oikein ennättänyt. Hänestä oli siistiä olla juuri sillä hetkellä Ranskassa eikä Tylypahkan muurien sisäpuolella. Hän tulisi toivon mukaan muistamaan kokemuksen läpi koko elämänsä.
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
From the outside perspective, Nicolas Carter didn’t look like much – he had slightly darker skin than most Europeans usually because of his African American ethnicity with dark brown eyes and curly hair to match, cut short from the neck and sides, left little longer from the top. He didn’t even seem that overly muscular for a Beater but those who underestimated him would certainly see exactly how wrong they were when they met in Quidditch pit when the match started.
Unlike some of his teammates, Nicolas was still trying to sleep on the morning of the second day. He made some inhumanly sounds while waking up, tossing his extra pillow towards the people already making noise so early inside their tent.
“Oh, Carter is up! FINALLY! We were just gonna go explore without you, bro!”
Nicolas could almost hear his friend smirking and this 16-year-old growled in response, opening his eyes and pulling himself up and about. There was no point in trying to sleep anymore and if the team was already heading out, he wanted to join too.
“Ugh, what time is it?”
“Nearly 9. Hurry up already!”
After getting quickly dressed – most notably he had put his Quidditch team robes’ outermost layer on, which was blue with cranberry-colored details and showed Ilvermorny crest in the back with his last name on it – Nicolas joined the others and yawned loudly without bothering to cover it up with his hand.
Ilvermorny Quidditch representatives were all following the start of the official matches, Hogwarts versus Italy. Nicolas took his place amongst his teammates as they all followed the players who played at the same position as them – Seeker followed Seekers, Keeper Keepers and so on – trying to understand their strategy, skills and gameplay in general.
After the match was over, Nicolas noticed that he had spent most of his time tracking Hogwarts’ Beaters, more specifically that brown-haired witch who seemed to be at the same age group as him. And they seemed far superior to Italy’s Beaters, so might as well follow the best possible ones.
After the match and the lunch break team started to get ready for their own training slot. Official games were already done for today and Ilvermorny would play tomorrow morning against Beauxbatons as their first game of the series. There was still over an hour until their training started but Nicolas was already in full Quidditch gear – other than protective gear and his personal bat.
“Really, for someone so sleepy in the morning, you really are excited, huh, Carter?”
Nicolas glanced his teammate who he shared the tent with – luckily all those rowdiest ones were somewhere else – and smirked.
“Yup. I’m gonna go grab some air, see ya.”
“Don’t be long or Cap’n will kill ya.”
The Beater just waved his hand as he exited the tent, exhaling into the air that started already get a bit chilly because the temperatures hadn’t really rose during the afternoon due to slight rain earlier.
After walking a few tent-lengths towards the stadium Nicolas noticed someone in Hogwarts uniform walking towards him. Dark brown eyes kept their gaze towards this brown-haired girl from Hogwarts and he smiled in a friendly manner, remembering her from the match before. This seemed like a perfect chance to strike a conversation with a fellow Beater, with no teammates around.
Nicolas took a few steps forward towards the girl with that friendly smile still on his lips, while pushing his hands into his pockets.
“You’re from Hogwarts, right? I saw you play today, pretty impressive.”
Nicolas spoke with a wide American accent, which was an obvious telltale from which school he was in, even if one didn’t recognize the robes.
// Ilvermorny Quidditch robes, in international matches (such as this game) they have jacket same color as trousers.
Unlike some of his teammates, Nicolas was still trying to sleep on the morning of the second day. He made some inhumanly sounds while waking up, tossing his extra pillow towards the people already making noise so early inside their tent.
“Oh, Carter is up! FINALLY! We were just gonna go explore without you, bro!”
Nicolas could almost hear his friend smirking and this 16-year-old growled in response, opening his eyes and pulling himself up and about. There was no point in trying to sleep anymore and if the team was already heading out, he wanted to join too.
“Ugh, what time is it?”
“Nearly 9. Hurry up already!”
After getting quickly dressed – most notably he had put his Quidditch team robes’ outermost layer on, which was blue with cranberry-colored details and showed Ilvermorny crest in the back with his last name on it – Nicolas joined the others and yawned loudly without bothering to cover it up with his hand.
Ilvermorny Quidditch representatives were all following the start of the official matches, Hogwarts versus Italy. Nicolas took his place amongst his teammates as they all followed the players who played at the same position as them – Seeker followed Seekers, Keeper Keepers and so on – trying to understand their strategy, skills and gameplay in general.
After the match was over, Nicolas noticed that he had spent most of his time tracking Hogwarts’ Beaters, more specifically that brown-haired witch who seemed to be at the same age group as him. And they seemed far superior to Italy’s Beaters, so might as well follow the best possible ones.
After the match and the lunch break team started to get ready for their own training slot. Official games were already done for today and Ilvermorny would play tomorrow morning against Beauxbatons as their first game of the series. There was still over an hour until their training started but Nicolas was already in full Quidditch gear – other than protective gear and his personal bat.
“Really, for someone so sleepy in the morning, you really are excited, huh, Carter?”
Nicolas glanced his teammate who he shared the tent with – luckily all those rowdiest ones were somewhere else – and smirked.
“Yup. I’m gonna go grab some air, see ya.”
“Don’t be long or Cap’n will kill ya.”
The Beater just waved his hand as he exited the tent, exhaling into the air that started already get a bit chilly because the temperatures hadn’t really rose during the afternoon due to slight rain earlier.
After walking a few tent-lengths towards the stadium Nicolas noticed someone in Hogwarts uniform walking towards him. Dark brown eyes kept their gaze towards this brown-haired girl from Hogwarts and he smiled in a friendly manner, remembering her from the match before. This seemed like a perfect chance to strike a conversation with a fellow Beater, with no teammates around.
Nicolas took a few steps forward towards the girl with that friendly smile still on his lips, while pushing his hands into his pockets.
“You’re from Hogwarts, right? I saw you play today, pretty impressive.”
Nicolas spoke with a wide American accent, which was an obvious telltale from which school he was in, even if one didn’t recognize the robes.
// Ilvermorny Quidditch robes, in international matches (such as this game) they have jacket same color as trousers.
Vierailija- Vierailija
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Maya looked around the village. The weather had cooled down and dark clouds had taken over the sky. However, the girl was not feeling cold, since the warm long-sleeved shirt protected her. Her dark brown hair was tied up, as her eyes still examined the environment closely. Maya was still in a good mood - winning in the first match always felt good. Someone laughed out loud in the tent which Maya passed. It was exciting to note how everyone seemed to have fun.
Her train of thought came to a halt, when someone spoke to her. Or so Maya assumed. She stopped between the tents and searched for the speaker. Maya noticed a boy staring directly at her, right in front of her. The boy had brown hair and eyes. He was taller than Maya and smiled kindly. Why? Did Maya know him somewhere? No. She had never met him and because usually the boys did not speak to her, unless it was Tom or Milo with a million things to remember about Quidditch, so the situation was confusing, to say the least.
"Oh, hey" Maya said and looked up better at the speaker. Maya examined the boy's face, he looked familiar. "Yes, I'm from Hogwarts" Maya continued, and took her hand behind her back. "Oh, you were watching the match? Well, I’m happy if my skills impressed even one person", she finally stated and grinned self-ironically.
Maya changed the weight from one foot to the other. Her brown eyes examined the taller boy in front of her, soon noticing the Ilvermorny's logo on the boy's Quidditch robes. "So, you're from Ilvermorny, right?" Maya asked, and looked again into the boy's eyes. "Going to the practice? If I remember correctly, you won’t have a game until tomorrow", she continued.
Maya waited for the boy's answer. A cold wind blew over them, and dark clouds continue to grow darker in the sky. The rain had calmed down for at least a moment, so why doesn't she would stay with this boy for another moment?
Her train of thought came to a halt, when someone spoke to her. Or so Maya assumed. She stopped between the tents and searched for the speaker. Maya noticed a boy staring directly at her, right in front of her. The boy had brown hair and eyes. He was taller than Maya and smiled kindly. Why? Did Maya know him somewhere? No. She had never met him and because usually the boys did not speak to her, unless it was Tom or Milo with a million things to remember about Quidditch, so the situation was confusing, to say the least.
"Oh, hey" Maya said and looked up better at the speaker. Maya examined the boy's face, he looked familiar. "Yes, I'm from Hogwarts" Maya continued, and took her hand behind her back. "Oh, you were watching the match? Well, I’m happy if my skills impressed even one person", she finally stated and grinned self-ironically.
Maya changed the weight from one foot to the other. Her brown eyes examined the taller boy in front of her, soon noticing the Ilvermorny's logo on the boy's Quidditch robes. "So, you're from Ilvermorny, right?" Maya asked, and looked again into the boy's eyes. "Going to the practice? If I remember correctly, you won’t have a game until tomorrow", she continued.
Maya waited for the boy's answer. A cold wind blew over them, and dark clouds continue to grow darker in the sky. The rain had calmed down for at least a moment, so why doesn't she would stay with this boy for another moment?
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Nicolas allowed his eyes to examine the girl better with this close proximity. Her self-ironical words made him smile wider and he even let out a small laughter, eyes squinting with true enjoyment.
“Yup, I was. Gotta check out the competition. I’m sure you’ll return the favor later.”
Simply implying that Hogwarts would sure be watching Ilvermorny play tomorrow, Nicolas tilted his head slightly to the left and grinned.
“Yup, all the way from USA. Can’t tell by the accent?”
Brown-haired boy laughed at his own words, then shaking his head and getting slightly more serious with the next response.
“Yeah, practice today and first match tomorrow against those French people. I don’t speak French so I won’t bother pronouncing the school – I don’t want you to choke when laughing too much.”
The seriousness of the sentence seemed to plummet to the ground as quickly as Seekers after seeing the Golden Snitch at the ground level but Nicolas didn’t seem to mind that much as he just shrugged slightly.
“Anyway, I’m Nicolas Carter. Pleased to meet a fellow Beater.”
Nicolas extended his hand for a formal handshake, though still almost cheekily grinning.
After introductions were over, Nicolas continued almost instantly. He was kind of pressed for time at the moment and there was something he wanted to say.
“Hey, are you free later today? Like in two hours?”
Nicolas sounded suddenly – in a lack of a better word – almost anxious as if he was about to ask something more serious than before. He lifted his right hand up to his neck, scratching it a little before continuing.
“I kinda need to go soon but I’d like to talk to you some more, maybe over some butterbeer… if you like that? Or something else, whatever you prefer.”
Nicolas didn’t seem to want to miss this opportunity to get to know a fellow Beater from another school – after all, connections were important – and well, she wasn’t bad to look at either.
“Yup, I was. Gotta check out the competition. I’m sure you’ll return the favor later.”
Simply implying that Hogwarts would sure be watching Ilvermorny play tomorrow, Nicolas tilted his head slightly to the left and grinned.
“Yup, all the way from USA. Can’t tell by the accent?”
Brown-haired boy laughed at his own words, then shaking his head and getting slightly more serious with the next response.
“Yeah, practice today and first match tomorrow against those French people. I don’t speak French so I won’t bother pronouncing the school – I don’t want you to choke when laughing too much.”
The seriousness of the sentence seemed to plummet to the ground as quickly as Seekers after seeing the Golden Snitch at the ground level but Nicolas didn’t seem to mind that much as he just shrugged slightly.
“Anyway, I’m Nicolas Carter. Pleased to meet a fellow Beater.”
Nicolas extended his hand for a formal handshake, though still almost cheekily grinning.
After introductions were over, Nicolas continued almost instantly. He was kind of pressed for time at the moment and there was something he wanted to say.
“Hey, are you free later today? Like in two hours?”
Nicolas sounded suddenly – in a lack of a better word – almost anxious as if he was about to ask something more serious than before. He lifted his right hand up to his neck, scratching it a little before continuing.
“I kinda need to go soon but I’d like to talk to you some more, maybe over some butterbeer… if you like that? Or something else, whatever you prefer.”
Nicolas didn’t seem to want to miss this opportunity to get to know a fellow Beater from another school – after all, connections were important – and well, she wasn’t bad to look at either.
Viimeinen muokkaaja, Treni pvm 23.08.21 15:57, muokattu 1 kertaa
Vierailija- Vierailija
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Maya listened to Nicholas words, nodding her head to show she was listening attentively. When Nicholas mentioned that he was watching the competition, referring to his words that Maya should do the same, the girl laughed in good spirits. "Well yeah, of course I have to see how you guys play. I know your team is good, but I want to see it with my own eyes. So I can make a plan to destroy each one of you, one by one", Maya continued. Her voice was filled with chuckles and smiles.
Maya stopped in her tracks, becoming more serious for a moment when Nicholas told of his strong language skills with French. "Don't worry, I don't speak French either", Maya then said kindly. "And yes, I immediately noticed that you are American. Funny thing, but I was actually born in California and I lived there long before I moved with my family to England", Maya continued and grinned. It was nice that the conversation went on smoothly ahead.
Then Nicholas introducing himself to Maya. Maya held out her hand to the boy and shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you, Nicholas. I'm Maya Stewart", she introduced herself after him and smiled.
Maya blinked and moved her gaze to her feet as Nicholas asked another question. What would she do after two hours? Would listen to the crappy jokes of her team’s guys? Or perhaps lay in bed in their tent and would wait till tomorrow? Something inside the girl's head said: "Go out with him, drink some butterbeer and create new friendships. It can't be bad."
"Actually, I'm not doing much. So I'm free to go with you, if you really want to hang out with me for a moment. Butterbeer would be nice and yes, I definitely want to hear you speak French. It can't be that bad", Maya joked and smiled to Nicholas. However, Maya was forced to admit to herself one thing; Nicholas was the first boy who asked her out, and Maya did not know at all how to act in such situations. She took a deep breath and focused her gaze to Nicholas. What was she going to do?
Maya stopped in her tracks, becoming more serious for a moment when Nicholas told of his strong language skills with French. "Don't worry, I don't speak French either", Maya then said kindly. "And yes, I immediately noticed that you are American. Funny thing, but I was actually born in California and I lived there long before I moved with my family to England", Maya continued and grinned. It was nice that the conversation went on smoothly ahead.
Then Nicholas introducing himself to Maya. Maya held out her hand to the boy and shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you, Nicholas. I'm Maya Stewart", she introduced herself after him and smiled.
Maya blinked and moved her gaze to her feet as Nicholas asked another question. What would she do after two hours? Would listen to the crappy jokes of her team’s guys? Or perhaps lay in bed in their tent and would wait till tomorrow? Something inside the girl's head said: "Go out with him, drink some butterbeer and create new friendships. It can't be bad."
"Actually, I'm not doing much. So I'm free to go with you, if you really want to hang out with me for a moment. Butterbeer would be nice and yes, I definitely want to hear you speak French. It can't be that bad", Maya joked and smiled to Nicholas. However, Maya was forced to admit to herself one thing; Nicholas was the first boy who asked her out, and Maya did not know at all how to act in such situations. She took a deep breath and focused her gaze to Nicholas. What was she going to do?
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
”Wouldn’t expect anything less.”
Nicolas laughed when Maya told how she’s going to make a plan to destroy all the others. This was just friendly banter after all – there was no need for hostilities outside Quidditch pit, and even inside it was all just sportsmanship and not actual threats or evilness.
Maya’s revelation how she was also born in USA got Nic smiling slightly more cheekily than before. He shook her hand in good spirits, firmly but not bone-crushingly so.
“I’ll be sure to remember that name.”
Nicolas was also happy how the girl seemed to be open to his suggestion about meeting again later today.
“Oh, you really don’t want to! It’s bad.”
Brown-haired boy laughed when she teased him about French and put more weight on some words to really emphasize how he clearly sucked at that specific language.
“But uh… great. Let’s meet back here in two hours and let’s find that place where they have butterbeer. I need to go now, for some reason my Captain is really really really into keeping schedules.”
Even though most of Nicolas’ words were just friendly banter towards his Captain, he was still sometimes slightly annoyed how schedule-driven Ilvermorny’s Captain was. Of course, it was good to keep schedule and stuff like that, but this wasn’t any official match or anything just yet.
Managing to agree their next meeting Nic then waved a goodbye for now and returned back to his tent to put the rest of his Quidditch gear on, before they moved into the arena with his teammates to start practice round.
Nicolas laughed when Maya told how she’s going to make a plan to destroy all the others. This was just friendly banter after all – there was no need for hostilities outside Quidditch pit, and even inside it was all just sportsmanship and not actual threats or evilness.
Maya’s revelation how she was also born in USA got Nic smiling slightly more cheekily than before. He shook her hand in good spirits, firmly but not bone-crushingly so.
“I’ll be sure to remember that name.”
Nicolas was also happy how the girl seemed to be open to his suggestion about meeting again later today.
“Oh, you really don’t want to! It’s bad.”
Brown-haired boy laughed when she teased him about French and put more weight on some words to really emphasize how he clearly sucked at that specific language.
“But uh… great. Let’s meet back here in two hours and let’s find that place where they have butterbeer. I need to go now, for some reason my Captain is really really really into keeping schedules.”
Even though most of Nicolas’ words were just friendly banter towards his Captain, he was still sometimes slightly annoyed how schedule-driven Ilvermorny’s Captain was. Of course, it was good to keep schedule and stuff like that, but this wasn’t any official match or anything just yet.
Managing to agree their next meeting Nic then waved a goodbye for now and returned back to his tent to put the rest of his Quidditch gear on, before they moved into the arena with his teammates to start practice round.
Vierailija- Vierailija
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Maya smiled cunningly at the boy when he said he didn't speak any French. “Oh, what a shame. Then I will probably never learn French”, the girl continued jokingly. “But yes, go! I don’t want to feel your captain’s wrath before our first match”, she decided and waved her hand to signal goodbye.
When Nicholas left his own way, Maya turned around and continued her journey back to the tent. Some of the team was there, some were somewhere else. Maya decided to get herself ready. Nothing extravagant though, and did her hair. That should be enough. She also changed her shirt and jeans.
Two hours later, Maya stood waiting for her new acquaintance in the middle of the village. There were many different tents around, at least two served butterbeer and another drinks, as well as finger foods. Maya reserved a table for herself, leaning her elbows against the table. She looked at other people curiously, until she recognized the familiar boy approaching him.
“Oh look, you found the place”, Maya greeted Nicholas with a faint smile. “How did your practice go? Since the captain let you go out with the weird new Hogwarts friend, I assume it went well”, she decided, allowing Nicholas to speak.
When Nicholas left his own way, Maya turned around and continued her journey back to the tent. Some of the team was there, some were somewhere else. Maya decided to get herself ready. Nothing extravagant though, and did her hair. That should be enough. She also changed her shirt and jeans.
Two hours later, Maya stood waiting for her new acquaintance in the middle of the village. There were many different tents around, at least two served butterbeer and another drinks, as well as finger foods. Maya reserved a table for herself, leaning her elbows against the table. She looked at other people curiously, until she recognized the familiar boy approaching him.
“Oh look, you found the place”, Maya greeted Nicholas with a faint smile. “How did your practice go? Since the captain let you go out with the weird new Hogwarts friend, I assume it went well”, she decided, allowing Nicholas to speak.
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
After the training Nicolas managed to get into his tent and switch to something more comfortable – jeans and hoodie were perfect for the first date, right? Hoodie still had Ilvermorny logo in it, apparently school wanted to let everyone know all the time where these people belonged to. Besides, Nic was just eager to get going, so he didn’t give a second thought about what he wore.
“Now wait a minute, where do ya think you’re going, Carter, rushing out like that?”
Teasing voice made Nicolas raise is eyebrows as he turned his gaze towards his friend. He shrugged avoidantly.
“Just… somewhere.”
“Oh? Might if I tag along?”
“Actually, yeah.”
“Oh – hey, wait!”
But Nicolas was already gone, not wasting another second of his time trying to make his teammate believe that this was a solo trip.
When Nicolas was getting close to the meeting location, he slowed down his steps and started looking around to see if she was already here. When a familiar voice reached his ears, he turned his gaze towards Maya with a friendly smile.
Nic took final steps forward to reach the girl, his smile getting even wider.
“What makes you think I told him? He’s only my captain, he doesn’t need to know everything about my personal stuff. But yes, practice went well. We’re more than ready for tomorrow.”
The boy glanced around and once again turned to look at Maya.
“I’ll get us some butterbeer.”
With those words, Nic took a few steps to the left and went to fetch some butterbeer for two. He paid with coins from his pocket and return to the table with two mugs of butterbeer, placing them to the table. He sat opposite side of the table from Maya.
“Sorry, hope you hadn’t waited for long.”
After the training Nicolas managed to get into his tent and switch to something more comfortable – jeans and hoodie were perfect for the first date, right? Hoodie still had Ilvermorny logo in it, apparently school wanted to let everyone know all the time where these people belonged to. Besides, Nic was just eager to get going, so he didn’t give a second thought about what he wore.
“Now wait a minute, where do ya think you’re going, Carter, rushing out like that?”
Teasing voice made Nicolas raise is eyebrows as he turned his gaze towards his friend. He shrugged avoidantly.
“Just… somewhere.”
“Oh? Might if I tag along?”
“Actually, yeah.”
“Oh – hey, wait!”
But Nicolas was already gone, not wasting another second of his time trying to make his teammate believe that this was a solo trip.
When Nicolas was getting close to the meeting location, he slowed down his steps and started looking around to see if she was already here. When a familiar voice reached his ears, he turned his gaze towards Maya with a friendly smile.
Nic took final steps forward to reach the girl, his smile getting even wider.
“What makes you think I told him? He’s only my captain, he doesn’t need to know everything about my personal stuff. But yes, practice went well. We’re more than ready for tomorrow.”
The boy glanced around and once again turned to look at Maya.
“I’ll get us some butterbeer.”
With those words, Nic took a few steps to the left and went to fetch some butterbeer for two. He paid with coins from his pocket and return to the table with two mugs of butterbeer, placing them to the table. He sat opposite side of the table from Maya.
“Sorry, hope you hadn’t waited for long.”
Vierailija- Vierailija
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Maya laughed as Nicholas spoke of his captain. It was true, they didn’t always have to know everything. The girl moved the dark straight hair out from the front of her eyes, looking at Nicholas straight in the eye. “True, you don’t have to tell him everything”, she said. “I didn't say anything about where I'm going either. But, I’m pretty unobtrusive so my absence won't be noticed”, she continued and sat down. “Okay, sounds good!” Maya said when Nicholas mentioned getting them something to drink.
Maya was left waiting at the table she had reserved for them. When Nicholas came back with two butterbeers and apologized for the wait, girl shook her head. “No, not at all” she said and smiled at Nicholas.
Maya tasted her drink and spoke almost immediately. “This is so good, I don't know is this even better than Hogsmeade”, she continued and then realized that Nicholas probably didn't know what the place she spoke of was like. “Hogsmeade is a village near Hogwarts. The school organizes excursions and trips there", Maya said and smiled faintly. “Anyway, have you ever visited the UK? If you haven't, you should”, Maya asked nervously and waited for the boy to answer. Sometimes she felt like she was talking too much. Brown, twinkling eyes examined Nicholas as Maya straightened the hem of her shirt.
Maya was left waiting at the table she had reserved for them. When Nicholas came back with two butterbeers and apologized for the wait, girl shook her head. “No, not at all” she said and smiled at Nicholas.
Maya tasted her drink and spoke almost immediately. “This is so good, I don't know is this even better than Hogsmeade”, she continued and then realized that Nicholas probably didn't know what the place she spoke of was like. “Hogsmeade is a village near Hogwarts. The school organizes excursions and trips there", Maya said and smiled faintly. “Anyway, have you ever visited the UK? If you haven't, you should”, Maya asked nervously and waited for the boy to answer. Sometimes she felt like she was talking too much. Brown, twinkling eyes examined Nicholas as Maya straightened the hem of her shirt.
Vs: I never thought it would go like this [RPG]
Carter allowed himself to glance unapologetically towards Maya as he smiled while listening to her. He also followed her lead and took a sip of the butterbeer, looking almost thoughtful for a second as he was determining if he liked it or not.
“I haven’t but I’ve been meaning to.”
Boy said truthfully and took another sip of the butterbeer, clearly warming up to the taste. It also made him feel oddly warm inside, which felt good as the air otherwise was fairly chill. He didn’t want to dig too deep into why he hadn’t already visited United Kingdom, since poor financial situation and strained family relations were hardly a topic for a first proper encounter.
“I’m assuming this Hogsmeade doesn’t have No-Majs then? I mean, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense, making excursions there and just exposing everything...”
Carter didn’t even notice the term he used about non-magical people, commonly known as Muggles in UK, as he almost mumbled to himself those last few words.
Realizing that he was getting lost in thought, Carter quickly regained his senses and focused his gaze back to Maya with an apologetic smile.
“So, uh… Is this your first time here?”
Brown-haired boy clearly tried to make up his lost-in-thought moment with a question, so that conversation would flow seamlessly.
“I haven’t but I’ve been meaning to.”
Boy said truthfully and took another sip of the butterbeer, clearly warming up to the taste. It also made him feel oddly warm inside, which felt good as the air otherwise was fairly chill. He didn’t want to dig too deep into why he hadn’t already visited United Kingdom, since poor financial situation and strained family relations were hardly a topic for a first proper encounter.
“I’m assuming this Hogsmeade doesn’t have No-Majs then? I mean, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense, making excursions there and just exposing everything...”
Carter didn’t even notice the term he used about non-magical people, commonly known as Muggles in UK, as he almost mumbled to himself those last few words.
Realizing that he was getting lost in thought, Carter quickly regained his senses and focused his gaze back to Maya with an apologetic smile.
“So, uh… Is this your first time here?”
Brown-haired boy clearly tried to make up his lost-in-thought moment with a question, so that conversation would flow seamlessly.
Vierailija- Vierailija
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